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What you might get at the websites selling real life silicone sex dolls.

Men with their sex dolls are often considered eerie but they seem very happy and contempt with what they are doing. There are several sex shops that are selling good quality real life silicone sex dolls. They are available in all sizes and ages. There are several website that sell these dolls at very reasonable prices and then ship them to your door step. If you are a loyal customer, these websites also allow you to send your old doll back and then get a new one shipped to your place at a discounted price.

real life silicone sex dolls

These real life silicone sex dolls allow the customer to a play out all the scenarios without hurting anyone. It gives them freedom to dress them however they want, take them where the want and name them whatever they want. The problem however is that these dolls wear out after a certain time. Their joints become loose and the start falling apart. If you buy these from a really good website they will fix them for you or replace them at a very fair and reasonable price.

The real life silicon sex dolls being displayed on online sex shops are exactly what is delivered to the client. A very happy customer that they are almost exactly similar to the real person. They are They even have a very life like weight which makes the whole experience even more real. These dolls are so real that most men prefer to live in a delusion where these real life silicon sex dolls are their actual girl friends and that they don’t need anybody else int their lives.

Our top selling websites for real life silicon sex dolls provide a special customisation section where the client and explain what he want. There are even places that can take a picture of what you want and make a doll exactly like that. They may charge extra for that but the thing is that this option is also available for people who want something a little bit more than ordinary.

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